Sunday, July 26, 2015

An Economic Perspective: Level Middle Class

an economic perspective level middle class:

by this i mean really in the middle economically, it's both interesting from a behavioral economic view and from a social perspective, economists are interested in how they behave as agents in the economy, to judge what is happening right now and what will probably happen in the future.

by "level" read completely average, so employed, young probably or middle aged, a real consumer to be monitored. but how could an economically unactive or inactive person be considered middle class anyway? we assume that the middle class is the largest group today by income and wealth comparison.

what is the upper class? the richest, most powerful? economically this is true but social distinctions confuse the issue. there is a legacy that remains in the collective memory. that society economically observed is mobile or fluid is the case.

spending drives the economy. watch the young household, with children, they need all kinds of consumer goods and services, leisure and entertainment. the young tend to spend freely. older people, with retirement looming and no further income guaranteed, may be more cautious and become economically less important.

the level middle class make the pace. socially, of course, they are not necessarily a cohesive group, in that they mix only with each other, that's probably not the case. the 27 year old male, level middle class, working, average income, shops a lot, goes on holidays, has friends and family, may not stay in the same class all his life though.

level middle class demand is what determines a large proportion of supply in the economy.


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