Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The Way of Gritty

the way of gritty:

it's been a long day. it's been long years. then about now it seems like the past has caught up with you. first it was the world, then it was the earth, then it was country, now it's whatever. transport gets easier.

how are you supposed to deal with it? so you've lived this long so far so OK? and it would be fine if only you could remember right? but how to get to the next step? like i'm driving, hand on the steer, get into the picture right? one move right, where does that go? i respond to that, what does that do?

picture the rails, the grit, think about tower, think about the little doll of a girl, in a red dress, hiding in her attic, never went to school, always dreaming of travel, what you have! think of the master at school, how do you pay him back?

all right, prepare for the next step, no two ways about it, you have to, but the fourth step, it's still coming, even if it barely seems real now.

in the station, the sign the way, but the geography, right or left and so on. lunch is always a question on this day of travel. you need to promote your choice, not enter into comparison, like the choice of transport it is always better to go for the sure thing!


Saturday, May 23, 2015

The Tragedy of Ichythus and Pereneides

the tragedy of Ichythus and Pereneides:

the flame of lust and love of material wealth, all this found in Ichythus, an archetype of ambition and later success. the history of Ichythus was thus, once poor and needy, mocked and laughed at by his peers. this instilled in Ichythus an ambition so powerful that it could only lead to his success. Athene and Afrodite Ouranos, both fascinated by material ambition, could only study at a distance, careful not to upset the balance in the arena.

Pereneides was Ichythus' neighbour, humble and poor, both free of ambition and vice, satisfied by a full stomach and a warm bed. he admired Ichythus, for Ichythus was always gracious in his presence, but Pereneides could never understand how Ichythus achieved, for in more ways than one his character was the total opposite. how it arrived is not important, but when Ichythus became rich, his success was his undoing. it answers the question of how, for had Ichythus not been so proud, he would never have achieved so much.

others found Ichythus' pride insufferable. Ichythus surrounded himself with luxury and comfort, no want unsatisfied. from whim to jaded exhaustion, he lived fully spending freely. he believed, and acted as thus, that he could do no wrong. only Pereneides aided him in his crisis, for in his desperate hour there was no else to whom he could turn.

but in Pereneides, simple admiration turned to envy, he could not refrain from asking the most impertinent questions of Ichythus, in a cloud of spite. the poisoning of their relationship concerned Athene. but in the end they, Ichythus and Pereneides, only had each other, shunned both by all others.


Saturday, May 16, 2015

C'est Petit de Croire de Voir

c'est petit de croire de voir:

"Comment? Tu penses, c'est bon c'est mal? La place de votre voix?"

"Comment bizarre! Mais, c'est petit de...croire de...voir? Vous savez?"

"Tu sais, mais croire de, vous n'avez pas dit. Votre famille?"

"Une petite famille, mais pas de mère, de l'étranger. Je crois qu'un singulier...de mère, je ne sais pas, je crois que je suis une..."

"Oui. La femme! Mais, je crois, il y a beaucoup de familles qui pensent comme ça. Ces jeunes, ils veulent ce qu'ils voient, quand ils se rencontrent ici, quoi prochain?"


The Problem of Macroeconomics

the problem of macroeconomics:

the base assumption of macroeconomics is rather that people behave economically in more or less the same manner or that the majority in what they do sway the economy such that we may frame theory so as to be workable. so to arrive at a model that explains what happens when variables under guidance are manipulated is to identify general economic patterns and to construct a framework for the economist to understand the open economy.

interest rates, money, marketable assets, property, these concern everyone in the open economy. theory on interest rates seemed applicable, but globalization and opportunity have spread and thus complexity has arisen and, because there are so many more choices now, it is hard to determine how and why the individual reacts to any change in any variable. the economist is left to speculate how interest rate moves in say, the Base Rate or Prime Rate, affect other interest rates.

may that be that credit card interest rates are beyond such interest rate moves by the government and thus so indicate they be purely in the domain of private banks who face the consumer? only recently has the market changed. the government aims to control inflation, also to boost economic output. given that output figures depend on the sum of money spent, it is one solution to increase the rate at which money is spent, that is, to increase the velocity of money.

herein lies the difficulty. i think to say that with more money you spend more is a general truth. but with less money, do you necessarily spend less? not everyone has the same ideas about money is the total problem. everyone has a unique spending history.

also the total problem with inflation is that it is always about inadequate supply of what is most demanded.

to add complexity to the argument, pro economists might like to arrive at different models for different types of economic agents. how many types are there? the spendthrift, the frugal, the vain?


Saturday, May 9, 2015

How Is Arrival at Theory

how is arrival at theory:

what just happened? now several ideas but how to frame it? what are the key concepts?

with all that is available in science fiction, obviously anyone would wonder about interstellar travel and, given that travel is always visual, anyone could imagine how it would go, passage on a ship like that, cruising at light speed in hyperspace, seeing strange new light on the TV screens, displaying visuals of what the destination looks like preparing you for landing.

academic theory, working models involve variables, but in actuality these are drawn from, so to speak, snapshots of instances, carefully examined. but do they hold if the variables change too much?

when we think of gossip and rumour, inevitably we search for the chain, where it started from and how it passed to me? what is the network grid to be framed? of course, to hold this as set, to remember this as how news really travels, is to create a fallacy, for the flow of news changes.

academic theories that include equations try to cover the main variables that influence outcomes. when they fail, the temptation is to keep adding variables, but has the world changed?

rules and regulations about behaviour often seem restrictive, with too little guidance as to what to do exactly. prescriptive action is what is demanded, advice, but that is left to the individual to think about.

in my opinion, if other planets in the galaxy were different, had different light and different atmosphere, the hyperdrive engine would have to be able to change the light and atmosphere in the ship, to that of the destination. imagine it thus, the hatch unlocked, lowering the ramp, after being enclosed in the confines of the starship, would you really see a strange new exciting landscape on exit?