Saturday, March 9, 2019

Errors in the System

errors in the system:

"i'm schizophrenic, i've been locked up in mental hospital three times, i'm officially crazy. i know i'm a crank. the weird things that have happened to me, the errors in the system, started the year after i got out of hospital for the first time. for long periods, things are normal, but then odd things happen now and again, which throw me off, and start me questioning everything again."

"you mean things like the Mandela Effect?"

"that's not the weirdest, but my version of that is i remember different actors being in movies i saw a long time ago, but i can't be sure that my memory is not faulty."

"what are the weirdest, the most unbelievable things?"

"teleporting is definitely one of them. there are two kinds, one obvious, when the surroundings suddenly change and you're somewhere else instantly, but then there's the not obvious one you're only aware of later, you have teleported, but the flow of the surroundings is continuous, it doesn't look as though you've suddenly changed location, as if geography had temporarily been altered, one street has slided over, if you like."

"what's the next weirdest?"

"time slips. when you wake up one morning and it seems you've lost days and the calendar has jumped. but i mean it's not like these things happen to me all the time, but they have happened, so i had to have a big think. all these things, it probably hasn't helped my mental health, to be fair, you can't take life seriously enough anymore."

"you can't be sure what's real. but perhaps it's made you sane in a way that a person who lives a completely normal life, where nothing out of the ordinary ever happens, is not."

"yeah, but too much shock isn't great either."

"anything happen recently?"

"i don't know if errors in the system are correlated to how mentally unstable i am, maybe they are. what happened the other week, i was in a mall, this was in the food court, i walked past a sign and thought i was at a certain restaurant and turned the corner to order at the counter, i was at another restaurant. i walked back and the sign had changed."

"i suppose what bugs you every time is you keep wondering what really happened."

"exactly. every time an error happens you wonder if you're losing your mind."

"but no system is perfect, right?"