time and space and do things ever happen again:
again, posit the theory that all things that exist, or matter, in this reality do not "move", that they are forever fixed in their positions in space relative to each other. i do not mean matter in the sense of the current scientific meaning. by matter i mean everything that is.
it is time and the change in state of matter, indeed the changing image, that gives rise to what is commonly thought of as motion and it is vital to note that this motion is merely virtual, our eyes playing tricks on us, and very much an illusion. where people are concerned, you are always the same real distance away from me, our spatial locations are fixed forever. nothing can make us closer or further apart. in meeting, it may seem that i am only an arm's length away, but in reality, i may truly be light years away in real space.
thus lies the difficulty in thinking about reality. if you are fooled by the 3D mechanical motion model world we inhabit, you believe people actually "move" relative to one another, that objects "move" and so on, when it is all merely just a product of what we see.
but what of time? our minds may become so distorted that even change becomes hard to believe! it is all too easy to imagine a timeless piece of rock that never changes, a place where there is no time. it is harder to think of matter that actually changes! how does it change? if infinitesimal change is not the case, then discrete change is. a least bit of matter is one thing, then suddenly another the next moment!
look at the computer screen in front of you. see how it changes, where your focus shifts. notice how your thoughts change in your head as you read. now in reality, the screen, or what you see of it, is intimately connected to your head and to where your thoughts are. as your focus changes as you read the script, the thinking in your head changes also. as both are connected, we can say there is a common time across the distance between where you see the screen and your head. we say "at the same time". this common time concept is what we primarily think of when we think of time. we assume there is, if you like, a common universal time against which all local changes can be measured. everything is thought of as happening relative to this. but the manner in which the computer screen is changing is not quite what is happening with the change in your head. the key is spatial connection.
now our imagination permits us to think of unlimited events that could or could not happen. however, i posit that at the individual level of matter, changes may be very limited. imagine one least bit of matter could only have two possible states, A to B and then back to A, in perpetuity. all too often in discussing time, as such, it is thought of in the aggregate and common universal time sense. in this sense, i do not argue against that time travel to the past is impossible, or that events can repeat exactly, or somehow i can travel back 100 years in time.
i am merely saying that what reality is, is composed of a vast number of individual least bits of matter, that so to speak, can travel back in time, or repeat past states, all the time.
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Time and Space and Do Things Ever Happen Again?
Sunday, March 24, 2013
The Person on Earth
the person on earth:
the issue lies in the transient nature of a life on earth. what you are on earth is not what you were originally. it cannot be disputed that a fully populated earth with everything going on did not exist in the beginning of time. this was all later. however, the very involved life a person leads on earth makes us forget all that sometimes.
the other question that must be considered in addition to what happens after we die on earth is that, what happened before we were born on earth? do we assume it must be something similar, that earth is a place, what came before and what comes after are also places? are they the same place?
life on earth, an advertisement:
you'll have a body, a human one, male or female. you'll start off a little one. you will grow up. you'll have a family, maybe have brothers or sisters. you'll have to do something with your life. there will be lots of choices of what to do, etc.
at some point, the self questioning will begin. how did i become this? the nineteen year old looking in the mirror, wondering about life. how did i come to be on earth?
the very complexity of life on earth absorbs much of the mind but the awareness that one day it will all end, that this life on earth will be taken away, cannot be ignored. what was it all for? what was the design? how much of the person i was on earth is real?
the issue lies in the transient nature of a life on earth. what you are on earth is not what you were originally. it cannot be disputed that a fully populated earth with everything going on did not exist in the beginning of time. this was all later. however, the very involved life a person leads on earth makes us forget all that sometimes.
the other question that must be considered in addition to what happens after we die on earth is that, what happened before we were born on earth? do we assume it must be something similar, that earth is a place, what came before and what comes after are also places? are they the same place?
life on earth, an advertisement:
you'll have a body, a human one, male or female. you'll start off a little one. you will grow up. you'll have a family, maybe have brothers or sisters. you'll have to do something with your life. there will be lots of choices of what to do, etc.
at some point, the self questioning will begin. how did i become this? the nineteen year old looking in the mirror, wondering about life. how did i come to be on earth?
the very complexity of life on earth absorbs much of the mind but the awareness that one day it will all end, that this life on earth will be taken away, cannot be ignored. what was it all for? what was the design? how much of the person i was on earth is real?
Saturday, March 9, 2013
One or the Other or a Bit of Both?
one or the other or a bit of both:
about earth, there are the facts commonly accepted, about population, that there are billions, age, billions again, and so on. now it must occur to anyone who has ever experienced, either visually or audibly, what could be called "errors", that something is perhaps not quite right about the many assumptions people make. now medical science would have it that these "errors" are strictly those of the individual in question, so to speak, and not of earth itself or science. however, what if the fault does lie with whatever earth is and blame is not on the person's senses? inevitably, the more glitches in the system that appear, the more you become convinced that there is some huge electronic machinery at work underlying everything, a supercomputer that simply does not work perfectly.
by visual "errors", those that i have experienced personally, from most shocking to least, first of all, a sudden total change in place, to teleport to another location, secondly, less striking perhaps, but common enough, a sudden change in text, for example, looking at a printed train timetable at a railway station and the times change, thirdly, maps that are all wrong from what you know, fourthly, definite changes in books you have, on second reading, some passages have disappeared, fifthly, and often you cannot be sure about this, objects have been rearranged in the room when no has been present or they have vanished.
actually, the only ones who could firmly believe in all that the media presents about earth and what their teachers taught them in geography and science, the only ones who actually "buy it" are those for whom there are no discernible "errors", those who have supernormal lives.
it is all too easy, however, to dismiss all common scientific theories and leap to the other extreme, that all of life on earth is a vast computer simulation and perhaps therefore you are the only real person on earth and everyone else is virtual, if you like, non player characters or NPC's, illusions, philosophical zombies, etc. such is the nature of the beast when something happens that makes you question reality. it is most likely that neither extreme, the one of a densely populated earth where everyone is real and the other of the empty simulation with a real population of one, is true. it is not all or nothing, but a little of both.
it is interesting that the thinker always thinks in absolutes first or extreme positions. this may sound perverse, but often something may be true and false, even if only time and space make the difference. now it is true, then it was false! it is true here, but not there! define your terms! clarify! what i am speaking of is a tendency, perhaps almost a hope, to think that something would be true now, here and everywhere, for all time! that things contradict themselves moments later exposes this fallacy in our thinking.
what is the suitably complex, averaged world view? it is most probable that there are many people on earth but not as many as purported, and that some people truly are not real, they are part of the background simulation. there are questions about history too. if we assume the numbers prone to exaggeration, we would guess that the true age is much younger. when the first real person was inserted into the simulation earth is another question. note that to teleport rules out the whole model of classical mechanical motion in reality.
about earth, there are the facts commonly accepted, about population, that there are billions, age, billions again, and so on. now it must occur to anyone who has ever experienced, either visually or audibly, what could be called "errors", that something is perhaps not quite right about the many assumptions people make. now medical science would have it that these "errors" are strictly those of the individual in question, so to speak, and not of earth itself or science. however, what if the fault does lie with whatever earth is and blame is not on the person's senses? inevitably, the more glitches in the system that appear, the more you become convinced that there is some huge electronic machinery at work underlying everything, a supercomputer that simply does not work perfectly.
by visual "errors", those that i have experienced personally, from most shocking to least, first of all, a sudden total change in place, to teleport to another location, secondly, less striking perhaps, but common enough, a sudden change in text, for example, looking at a printed train timetable at a railway station and the times change, thirdly, maps that are all wrong from what you know, fourthly, definite changes in books you have, on second reading, some passages have disappeared, fifthly, and often you cannot be sure about this, objects have been rearranged in the room when no has been present or they have vanished.
actually, the only ones who could firmly believe in all that the media presents about earth and what their teachers taught them in geography and science, the only ones who actually "buy it" are those for whom there are no discernible "errors", those who have supernormal lives.
it is all too easy, however, to dismiss all common scientific theories and leap to the other extreme, that all of life on earth is a vast computer simulation and perhaps therefore you are the only real person on earth and everyone else is virtual, if you like, non player characters or NPC's, illusions, philosophical zombies, etc. such is the nature of the beast when something happens that makes you question reality. it is most likely that neither extreme, the one of a densely populated earth where everyone is real and the other of the empty simulation with a real population of one, is true. it is not all or nothing, but a little of both.
it is interesting that the thinker always thinks in absolutes first or extreme positions. this may sound perverse, but often something may be true and false, even if only time and space make the difference. now it is true, then it was false! it is true here, but not there! define your terms! clarify! what i am speaking of is a tendency, perhaps almost a hope, to think that something would be true now, here and everywhere, for all time! that things contradict themselves moments later exposes this fallacy in our thinking.
what is the suitably complex, averaged world view? it is most probable that there are many people on earth but not as many as purported, and that some people truly are not real, they are part of the background simulation. there are questions about history too. if we assume the numbers prone to exaggeration, we would guess that the true age is much younger. when the first real person was inserted into the simulation earth is another question. note that to teleport rules out the whole model of classical mechanical motion in reality.
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Time and Space the Individual and the Aggregate
time and space the individual and the aggregate:
when it comes to time and space we cannot really escape thinking in terms of numbers. how long has it been? how far away? indeed, the way we think of mathematics greatly affects our thoughts on both. what is the number 1 truly, and what of infinity? how does the abstract nature of mathematics fit reality?
we can think of everything that exists in this reality as one space, but we certainly do not think that there is only one kind of thing that exists. there are many different things is what we assert! but surely not an infinite number? i posit just as real space is not infinite in distance from end to end, neither is there an infinite number of different things that exist in reality. a "least bit of matter" is an individual part of reality, to which we can attach the concept of the number 1 and give it real meaning.
each "least bit of matter" changes on a different path to that of any other. in aggregate, we apply a common time to reality, as we are all connected, for we are all "here" in this one space. also i posit that, for time even to be measured with any consistency, that there are regular cycles at work, never changing, for eternity. theoretically, let whatever that runs the second have a starting position at A. It changes to B, perhaps then to C, then back to A, and starts all over again, forever. surely if things could never recover a past position or state, there would be no stability to the universe, things once seen or heard would never be seen or heard again? yes, i am saying that time travel to the past, in this individual sense, is completely real! it is aggregate time travel to the past that is impossible.
again, i posit that change is discrete, there are "frames" of change in state of a "least bit of matter". the problem lies with the mind and its thinking, when it entertains the concept of continuous change and the possibility of the infinitesimal. we can think of fluid or continuous change but we are fooled and we are then crazy, for that is neither what we are seeing nor hearing! matter changes one step at a time, individually.
indeed, has not the whole concept of the movie projector showing frames at 24 per second and HDTV at 1080 x 1920 pixels resolution been telling us something like the truth about reality and time and space, as it was all along?
when it comes to time and space we cannot really escape thinking in terms of numbers. how long has it been? how far away? indeed, the way we think of mathematics greatly affects our thoughts on both. what is the number 1 truly, and what of infinity? how does the abstract nature of mathematics fit reality?
we can think of everything that exists in this reality as one space, but we certainly do not think that there is only one kind of thing that exists. there are many different things is what we assert! but surely not an infinite number? i posit just as real space is not infinite in distance from end to end, neither is there an infinite number of different things that exist in reality. a "least bit of matter" is an individual part of reality, to which we can attach the concept of the number 1 and give it real meaning.
each "least bit of matter" changes on a different path to that of any other. in aggregate, we apply a common time to reality, as we are all connected, for we are all "here" in this one space. also i posit that, for time even to be measured with any consistency, that there are regular cycles at work, never changing, for eternity. theoretically, let whatever that runs the second have a starting position at A. It changes to B, perhaps then to C, then back to A, and starts all over again, forever. surely if things could never recover a past position or state, there would be no stability to the universe, things once seen or heard would never be seen or heard again? yes, i am saying that time travel to the past, in this individual sense, is completely real! it is aggregate time travel to the past that is impossible.
again, i posit that change is discrete, there are "frames" of change in state of a "least bit of matter". the problem lies with the mind and its thinking, when it entertains the concept of continuous change and the possibility of the infinitesimal. we can think of fluid or continuous change but we are fooled and we are then crazy, for that is neither what we are seeing nor hearing! matter changes one step at a time, individually.
indeed, has not the whole concept of the movie projector showing frames at 24 per second and HDTV at 1080 x 1920 pixels resolution been telling us something like the truth about reality and time and space, as it was all along?
The Many Worlds of Reality
the many worlds of reality:
let us start with the assumption that a person's consciousness was not created, but always existed, even at the start of time, that it is, actually, a fundamental part of the fabric of reality, and not something that developed later in some process of "evolution". the problem for those on earth is that what came before is just not remembered or if it is, not clearly. there is something about the birth process that wipes out vital memory. i remember nothing of life on earth before the age of three, nothing before August 29, 1975, to be exact. the date is stamped on my first passport, US Immigration at Hawaii. what came immediately before was a dream sequence that became waking life on earth. yes, i awoke in the dream. i was suddenly on earth, three years old.
as it is in dreams often, we accept a convincing alternative premise and cannot remember details of our waking lives, which would explain why we remember little of what came before earth and why we are so docile to begin with.
with language, there may be some confusion with terms used over time. our knowledge is not complete. we may even have missed fundamental truths yet. inevitably, as we learn more, we realize that what we had believed or assumed was not quite true and the meanings of words are updated. a "paradigm shift" happens. i am not saying that earth is entirely a dream world, only that dreams are the entrance to it.
it opens the possibility that some have never lived on earth yet. they are still in the old worlds and they may never live on earth. so they remember things about the early years that those on earth do not.
but what happens when we "die" on earth? is it back to the old worlds from which we came or is it reincarnation on earth? allow me to digress. now i am sure the word "die" originally meant something far worse! there is a fear associated with the word that precedes earth.
how do dreams end? either you abruptly wake up or drift back to sleep or they become yet another dream.
let us start with the assumption that a person's consciousness was not created, but always existed, even at the start of time, that it is, actually, a fundamental part of the fabric of reality, and not something that developed later in some process of "evolution". the problem for those on earth is that what came before is just not remembered or if it is, not clearly. there is something about the birth process that wipes out vital memory. i remember nothing of life on earth before the age of three, nothing before August 29, 1975, to be exact. the date is stamped on my first passport, US Immigration at Hawaii. what came immediately before was a dream sequence that became waking life on earth. yes, i awoke in the dream. i was suddenly on earth, three years old.
as it is in dreams often, we accept a convincing alternative premise and cannot remember details of our waking lives, which would explain why we remember little of what came before earth and why we are so docile to begin with.
with language, there may be some confusion with terms used over time. our knowledge is not complete. we may even have missed fundamental truths yet. inevitably, as we learn more, we realize that what we had believed or assumed was not quite true and the meanings of words are updated. a "paradigm shift" happens. i am not saying that earth is entirely a dream world, only that dreams are the entrance to it.
it opens the possibility that some have never lived on earth yet. they are still in the old worlds and they may never live on earth. so they remember things about the early years that those on earth do not.
but what happens when we "die" on earth? is it back to the old worlds from which we came or is it reincarnation on earth? allow me to digress. now i am sure the word "die" originally meant something far worse! there is a fear associated with the word that precedes earth.
how do dreams end? either you abruptly wake up or drift back to sleep or they become yet another dream.
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