Friday, June 12, 2015

The Trap and Style of Misadventure

the trap and style of misadventure:

of the young viscount, perhaps just 17 to 19 years old, now of the age to explore and experience the continental pleasures heard of and read about in youth, all exciting and foreign, exotic and heady, it is a case that, exposed to the harshness of travel and spun round by different phrases heard elsewhere, it might seem that it was unprepared and lacking in foresight. of misadventure, was it always a trap for gilded youth?

from his household, cavalier and ready, it sets off, sure in step, lusty and hungry for adventure. whom will she or he meet? will it change life forever? lady J. do make an appearance here, lord J. verily do meet all comers. in an instance of chance, go for the sure thing surely? and two days on, a sharp difference in atmosphere, hope that all is well back home.

one of the luxuries of being abroad is that warm bed, comfy and soft, in which you can collapse without thought for deadline and timetables. the food is new, it tastes richer than at home.

all the while whilst the young viscount is people watching, it becomes a case that it too is an exhibit in town, exotic meet and cheery talk. what of your home? what of your business?

the open way is the best way. the popular way is too. actually, the problem, on return, is readjusting to home life, all seems pallid and dry. the trip of a lifetime is over.


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