Saturday, May 23, 2015

The Tragedy of Ichythus and Pereneides

the tragedy of Ichythus and Pereneides:

the flame of lust and love of material wealth, all this found in Ichythus, an archetype of ambition and later success. the history of Ichythus was thus, once poor and needy, mocked and laughed at by his peers. this instilled in Ichythus an ambition so powerful that it could only lead to his success. Athene and Afrodite Ouranos, both fascinated by material ambition, could only study at a distance, careful not to upset the balance in the arena.

Pereneides was Ichythus' neighbour, humble and poor, both free of ambition and vice, satisfied by a full stomach and a warm bed. he admired Ichythus, for Ichythus was always gracious in his presence, but Pereneides could never understand how Ichythus achieved, for in more ways than one his character was the total opposite. how it arrived is not important, but when Ichythus became rich, his success was his undoing. it answers the question of how, for had Ichythus not been so proud, he would never have achieved so much.

others found Ichythus' pride insufferable. Ichythus surrounded himself with luxury and comfort, no want unsatisfied. from whim to jaded exhaustion, he lived fully spending freely. he believed, and acted as thus, that he could do no wrong. only Pereneides aided him in his crisis, for in his desperate hour there was no else to whom he could turn.

but in Pereneides, simple admiration turned to envy, he could not refrain from asking the most impertinent questions of Ichythus, in a cloud of spite. the poisoning of their relationship concerned Athene. but in the end they, Ichythus and Pereneides, only had each other, shunned both by all others.


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