Saturday, May 9, 2015

How Is Arrival at Theory

how is arrival at theory:

what just happened? now several ideas but how to frame it? what are the key concepts?

with all that is available in science fiction, obviously anyone would wonder about interstellar travel and, given that travel is always visual, anyone could imagine how it would go, passage on a ship like that, cruising at light speed in hyperspace, seeing strange new light on the TV screens, displaying visuals of what the destination looks like preparing you for landing.

academic theory, working models involve variables, but in actuality these are drawn from, so to speak, snapshots of instances, carefully examined. but do they hold if the variables change too much?

when we think of gossip and rumour, inevitably we search for the chain, where it started from and how it passed to me? what is the network grid to be framed? of course, to hold this as set, to remember this as how news really travels, is to create a fallacy, for the flow of news changes.

academic theories that include equations try to cover the main variables that influence outcomes. when they fail, the temptation is to keep adding variables, but has the world changed?

rules and regulations about behaviour often seem restrictive, with too little guidance as to what to do exactly. prescriptive action is what is demanded, advice, but that is left to the individual to think about.

in my opinion, if other planets in the galaxy were different, had different light and different atmosphere, the hyperdrive engine would have to be able to change the light and atmosphere in the ship, to that of the destination. imagine it thus, the hatch unlocked, lowering the ramp, after being enclosed in the confines of the starship, would you really see a strange new exciting landscape on exit?


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