Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Very Young Earth Theory

very young earth theory:

yes, i do know current scientific theory is that the universe is billions of years old, started very little and gradually inflated to the present day. there was nothing to begin with but much today. to loosen the mind, imagine the other extreme that everything only came into being an hour or so ago, in which case, our memories of the past are false, and the universe was in motion with everything existent already.

some Christians believe that everything is several thousands of years old. there is another distinct theory, posit that reality is only a few hundreds of years old. in this, there is the element that many things, such as nature, existed from time zero, that these things are eternal. there always were trees, there always were humans, right from the beginning, and there always will be. however, modern Earth did not exist. it was created both from the world of dreams and people's imagination, and perhaps even by design.

on Earth, some people are real, conscious beings, others are simulated characters, perhaps most, like in the movie, The Matrix. as you get older, you experience more and more errors and inconsistencies in the coding, so to speak. you may even think you've switched to an alternate universe, but no, these things are just errors.

i have thought perhaps Earth began in the 1800's and reality is only a few hundred years older, perhaps true Year 1 was AD1572, to give an example. the first people born on Earth had simulated parents but gradually Earth has filled with real people.

will the Earth end someday soon, when all have left?


Saturday, December 8, 2012

Do We Overestimate Reality?

do we overestimate reality:

to overestimate is a process of thought. first of all, the mind is imaginative, is it not? we can think of many things that are not real. we fade in and out of fantastic, even delusional, thought all the time. we may believe things exist that do not, we have capabilities that we don't have, there is the potential for things to happen that are actually impossible.

and because of time, many things have happened, it seems as though there were inflation, but the quantity of what exists cannot really have changed surely. what about the actual process of change? when we sense what seem to be different things, we may attribute to the mind a multiple number of sensory components. could they actually just be different states achieved by a fewer number? smell and taste are like, but we account for them as two senses. are there really so many shades of colour or could just one pixel of our eyesight become different shades? are we overaccounting when we consider perception?

am i just a little brain with an oversized 3D television set attached and loudspeakers too, who likes to fantasize and guzzle food and drink and pretend i am walking about on a material planet? the magic of television is that it can represent a seemingly infinite variety of life and suggest grand size of reality, but what is it really? just a few hundred lines of pixels rapidly changing.


Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Imprecise Nature of Words

the imprecise nature of words:

but think, if words were merely tools to manipulate thought, to shape concepts crystallizing in the conscious mind, it would seem they are often but a blunt instrument, lacking the precision to control the hoped for outcome of perfect realization of the truth. not only that, when misused, they can easily lead the thinker astray, into the realm of half truths and falsity, or even madness.

what is conscious thought? what is it to think? now this is a world of objects and feelings and sounds. in that the mind is actually connected to the very fabric of this world, these things are highlighted, so to speak, or thought about, by the conscious mind. i am conscious of, i am thinking about various scraps of images, events that happened in my world, places i have been to, and so on. it is a tangled mess. in real time, certain parts fall away, new parts appear.

now all of these things are labelled by words. what words mean to me may not be the same as what words mean to someone else. inevitably our own life experiences colour and ensure that our individual complexes of words and the personal events and things seen and heard and felt by us, to which they are connected, are unique.

however, let us assume that words can have some universal meaning. even so, words and their connections are wrapped up with the past of the universe. when something totally new happens, it has the effect of altering the language complex, for it is a disturbance. and so it always was. the mind, both conscious and subconscious or unconscious, makes and breaks connections continually. as the words in a sentence are read, each word amplifies whatever it is describing, like a live current passing through space. the very act of thinking alters the mind, and perhaps even what it is thinking about.

we all have various conceptions of what reality is, or may be. all are metaphysicians. it cannot be denied that that affects significantly how we define words for ourselves. if i believe that time is infinite, for instance, and this was the original use of the word, this affects what i think when i think about the word infinite when used generally. my argument is that it cannot be divorced from this original plank of belief. so later i may think about infinite numbers as supposedly a purely mathematical concept, but i am still thinking about time all the while. it is almost impossible to separate later thought from its original basis.

if thinking were like guiding a ball to a target, the truth, then words in a sentence hit the ball this way and that way, each word carrying its own "baggage" from the past. often it is difficult to hit bullseye. how did words come into creation? well, it is not hard to guess that merely they were the words people first thought of when something happened, that they were "in the air" at the time. the language universe has its own inflation. we know new words come into being. what may be disturbing, for as ever the new replaces the old, is that parts of the past are lost, and we have no idea how we got here.