Saturday, December 17, 2016

On Virtual Motion

on virtual motion:

posit that physical motion is not real, that it is actually virtual motion we see. everyone knows the 3D mechanical motion model. by now, it's hardwired in, so to speak. what things seem, that such motion looks as if it is happening, people moving, material objects moving, is not real, is not true. now this opens up a lot of sceptical ideas of course. am i a brain in a vat? what else is not real? etc.

but how does the actual projection of images in your eyesight work? when you walk forwards, objects move towards you. when you swing right, objects move to the left, and so on. posit that this 3D mechanical motion model was there right from the beginning, is eternal, then we didn't need to invent it, we always had it in mind. that would explain why it works so well, and how easily it operates. we could always imagine it, therefore it works.

so visually, objects move relative to us, not us to them. as a digression, speaking of relative, am i sure i actually grew several feet in my childhood? what if the material world actually shrank relative to me? maybe i grew a little, but in actuality, everything and everyone i saw became smaller as i aged to adult? perhaps not.

it seems a stretch to suppose that my eyesight, my projection field, is mapped by some kind of invisible computer, and that everything i see is computationally projected to precise coordinates as i move around. would this computer hold a micro image of everything in my range of sight and project this to my field of vision?

and what actually composes what is immediately in front of my head? we know we have the senses of sound and light, but obviously there is more than sound and light out there. again, calling all that exists matter, how much matter in front of me is actually light? 40%? 10%? 1%? say per clump of matter in front of my head, there are 100 parts, of which only 40 parts might be light or akin to light, 5 parts sound, but that leaves 55 parts we're not sure about. there are invisible least bits of matter we are little aware of surely? that that can be sensed is only so much.


Saturday, November 26, 2016

On the Concept of Simulated Humans

on the concept of simulated humans:

let us steer a middling course between the two extremes, of one, the solipsistic nightmare where no other human you see in your world is real, is in fact simulated, and the other, that everyone you meet is a real person, that what you see and hear, in person, is an accurate representation of another person somewhere else in reality. so we have a situation where some people are real, some are not, we are dealing with a confusing world where both cases exist.

what would you call a simulated human anyway? an illusion, a simulant, a robot, what? in any case, you cannot escape the conclusion that even though a simulated human may not be real, it is probably in some or most part just like someone real however. though perhaps some simulated people are what some people merely imagine a person could be like and that no one is really like that?

if we could categorize type and made a careful study of different personalities, well, we might say this simulant is a lot like so and so, who is real, and a little like someone else too, and partly like someone's imagination. maybe some simulated people are completely like someone real, yet we never meet the real person on whom it is based. it's like meeting a proxy of a real person, is it not? and how many types of personalities are there? maybe we could then guess or have an idea of how many real people there are.

the recent expansion in computing suggests perhaps there is more order than there is in reality. we can deduce that because computers now exist, there is something "computer" about reality, and always was, as a base assumption. however, that this whole concept of simulated humans is so strange, so weird, so not ideal, suggests that there was no orderly power behind the creation of all this on Earth, that there is something of chaos extent in the world.

of course, it is interesting to guess the numbers. what is the ratio of real to simulated humans? if it's extreme, it would not be that confusing, it would be like either they're all real, or they're all simulated! but what if it were 1:1? or 1:10? how do we work out who is real and who is simulated? if we assume Earth is more false and the ratio is more like 1:10,000 then we might never meet anyone real in our lifetime on Earth, yet they still exist!


Friday, November 25, 2016

The Range of Assumption

the range of assumption:

everyone is familiar with the normal assumptions about Earth, of its age and population, that is, it is billions of years old with billions of people living on it. maybe its comforting to assume that everything is very old and there are lots of people to depend on, but what if it isn't and there aren't?

a metaphysical question, how fast could appearances change? well close your eyes, now you see nothing. how fast could what is presented on the computer screen in front of you change to something else? very fast. so we conclude that change in light could happen instantaneously. so you could reasonably be sceptical about the age of reality. once the elements of a fully populated Earth came about, the languages, the arts, the look of Earth, who is to say it was not created overnight and is only, say, two hundred years old? if Earth is to some extent populated by simulated humans, the first real human born on Earth would have been the only one at some point?

what if i can see a very long distance in front of me? yet my head is little in comparison to the distance i can see. what is my true size? and what composes me? do i assume that that is not conscious is not truly a lifeform? what about the hard to describe but apparent mood or expression or spirit or personal flavour we can see in objects, people and images?

of the population, i think you could assume it was large, certainly large enough to produce this much culture and language. there is something of an argument that the population must be very large to have produced so much but what if consciousness was not the engine of production of culture or a lot of thought even? what if the unconscious is very powerful, much larger, and is the main driver of everything? what consciousness is is clearer, but what the unconscious is is much harder to grasp.


Friday, November 11, 2016

If Earth is a Simulation

if earth is a simulation:

first an argument about the word "simulation", a simulation, as opposed to what? a material, physical world where mechanical motion is real, that matter, the stuff of reality, really changes its spatial position, isn't that what they mean? well that is not real, so it is a simulation, because nothing really "moves", correct?

that is one aspect of the concept, one easily dealt with, the other is far weirder, that some people are simulated humans, they are not really 100% representatives of specific other, real people! i mean, to say it's a simulation because physical motion is not real is one thing, but maybe forms you see of other humans could represent real other people somewhere else? maybe not, and this possibility is one in which reality could be something of a strange, chaotic mystery to all.

assume the calendar is not really that far advanced, reality is actually only a few hundred years old. the problem we have is that there was a lot to begin with, humans, plants, trees, houses, all existed at the beginning, say, and because sudden changes can happen, and the unconscious is so large, it is always in motion and chaotic, it created Earth suddenly, as it is.

that dreams are chaotic is undisputed, a product of the unconscious, and are the portal to life on Earth, and i suppose the exit. that Earth is not quite what it seems, is not entirely normal really, the suspicion happens because of the existence of dreams principally.

on the question of simulated humans, if we assume that some of the people we meet are that, it does not mean that they are unlike any real people, the probability is that they are like someone real or several real people, because they must be based on someone! their speech, their actions, are derived from real people's. they may be a composite of several people plus some random factor, who knows? if we assume that the proportion of simulated humans to real humans is high, how high? 10000:1? that would mean there are only a few thousand real people around in any country! and in any case, the truth of reality becomes a confusing in between of belief in "normality" and a near solipsistic case. it would be naive to assume the extremes of one or another, actually, it's all real, simulated humans and real humans!

the interesting question becomes, how can you tell the difference between a real human and a simulated human? are real humans more coherent, more responsive? are simulated humans poorly programmed, if you like? do real humans have more of an aura, a presence? do they look different? do they have a unique glow? who knows?

and as for the ratio of real to simulated humans, how many real humans, the baseline from which these simulated humans are derived, does it require to produce the variety of people we see today? tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands? it would be tending toward solipsism if you came up with a low number, surely? that would mean the collective unconscious of all real people was huge to produce the variety of people and the amount of media found on Earth! i do not doubt that the unconscious is large and capable but does it really dwarf the conscious minds of all of us? it seems unlikely that the number is low.


Sunday, October 2, 2016

The Random Inflated Simulated World

the random inflated simulated world:

to begin with, the world as a whole, or the universe, or reality, was much simpler, people were alone, if you like, but communications, the propagation of sounds and images, and later meetings, rapidly inflated the world, or the unconscious at least. if i state that i began alone, but met several people the first day, and lived eventually on earth, with a purported population of millions, you can see the course of history.

if we consider that earth is a simulation of some kind, that all is not quite as it seems, it is not quite "real", that some facts are not true, that indeed some people are not true, what of these people populating it? now false facts are easy to manufacture, the imagination works constantly, people are crazy, to be blunt, and dreams happen, and to acknowledge that birth on earth began itself as an awakening from a dream about earth, it is therefore easy to be sceptical about much of earth and the people populating it. what makes up a person or what represents them? a certain personality, emotions, and things they've said or done, their own personal light and sound perhaps, and what you might call a certain flavour or mood to a person, indeed how do we recognize people in dreams if we see them but indistinctly if not by the flavour they give off? if we posit that not all people we see and meet are representations of real people then what are they but random composites of real people, saying and doing things that real people have done plus perhaps some random causal factor? they are not "real" but they are just like someone real or several real people. perhaps some of these people have a biography, they are consistent, or perhaps some people, that we only see for a minute say, walking past us on the street, never appear again, and have none!

assume that the general speed of the world is fast, change can be almost instantaneous, communication is not perfect, for errors and mutation exist, giving rise to the random nature of the universe, and our own eyesight and hearing, or our projection field, is prone to inflation and errors too, all give credence to this argument of a simulated world. it wasn't meant to be this, but this is what happened.


Sunday, September 25, 2016

Alternate Dimensions, Other Worlds and Partial Correlation

alternate dimensions other worlds and partial correlation:

it is most likely naive to assume that everyone lives in the same world, with all the same people, also that when people meet, true correlation is the case when most likely it is not, that what is transmitted from another person regarding it, is not exactly received or that the signal carrying the data is not accurately interpreted about that person, that what we sense about another person does not correspond exactly to what that person is all about. real distance in space, and mutation of signal, signal loss, and inaccuracies in interpretation to replicate what is going on at a distance, mean that true correlation may be foolish fancy. that the system in place in this reality is well engineered is an assumption that must be undermined.

in the beginning, certainly, we were not in the same world, not by a long shot actually. constant communication and even rapid advances in communication in recent times still does not mean that we all live in the same world now even. indeed, we may still assume that everyone is still in their own world, an earth-like version, and though it might seem that two people are in the same world, one might be in an alternate dimension to the other, even though they meet. to apply numbers, for example, two people who meet may both believe they are on Earth, but the correlation figure for their two worlds might only be 86%, that the geography might not fully agree is one point, the other is that the two sets of the people in both worlds might not is the other point.

to give an example, two people might both walk along the same street in a busy city, but one sees fewer people than the other, and also sees people that the other does not see. we must admit that the sets or networks of people that the two are in may be different. why should they be the same in any case? social networks are formed by forging links between people in real space, are they not, and if we assume that this task is more difficult, that the system is not fully connected, then are individual networks not different?

that the system is far from perfect and that individual projection fields that render what we see and hear are prone to confusion and inaccuracies means that we cannot assume that we see and hear people truly. there are the factors of random application and inflation to consider also. that the signal must pass through all the personal zones between two people and in all probability must be flavored, if you like, or mutated, to take on that of the people in the middle or those closest in the most perhaps.

the plank underlying this argument is partial correlation, that errors exist in data transmission, that some data is not transferred, unrelated data is applied, and rendering or replication is an inexact science, so indeed, how could we all live in the same world with the same people?


Sunday, August 7, 2016

Social Dynamics: The Gang of Four

social dynamics the gang of four:

given that it is far from rare, and that the median social group is often thus, let us then examine the dynamic that exists between four people, although even transient it may be, and let not how it came to be, this gang of four, trouble us, rather so how it functions be the operative question. why four? is two or three not enough?

a gang, a party, an expeditionary force, to expedite matters in life or business, renders the individual qualms about being on your own, to rest, the total of a gang of four is more than the sum of each member parts, which is why! role playing, even board games, these things don't function for the player in isolation, not only are other people required to operate such, to state all gain from such! we need someone physically capable, we need someone cerebral, we need a wizard mayhap, we need someone adept, maybe we need more in this crew!

skills that contribute to the welfare of the party, for the mission in life, to the bitter end if need be, make up the set of talents core to the group. primary to the cohesive nature of the gang is a facility for easy interaction, an agreement on secular matters at least, there are a range of issues to debate over time.

why not less? why not be alone? and so searching for something, best described as moving toward a common goal is what molds the group and holds it fast.

a common identity becomes them. what trace the gang of four leaves remains within them.


Monday, July 25, 2016

A Metaphysical Trap

a metaphysical trap:

for several times today, yet i feel myself again and for now, this once, i can do what i want! and i can do whatever i please. you know what i mean? what's new in my life? what's it like to have it all? why do i have to do this, this thing of mine, surely it could wait. the next level up!

o dear! what have we here? a reminder, shard. i can't believe it! why so sudden?! what's happened of late. surely i can escape the past? it's overrated, redress you me!

blocked ways, and for the guilty and the innocent, one mistake leads to another! when it happens, it seems it all happens at once! a sort of paranoic haze envelops the mind, in which it is difficult to escape. the paranoid mind is a trap in itself, to be honest, the mind just boggles! but what are the clues? to be meta about it!

a true 3D guide, we would conspire to get it! therefore avoid traps in general, not a downer, yet eventually we could learn to reflect upon life better and away from that.

what of it? what is it? where is it? how? cards we play, castles we love, and marriage, prosperity, serenity, tranquility, and friends forever, the life beyond mortality, the proving chamber, the track of life upon which we sweat our lives away. yet what of abandon, what of longing, and yet what of hope?


Alles Ist Zehn auf zu Wissel Zehn hein

alles ist zehn auf zu wissel zehn hein:

"Reis und Schein...auf dem...Hören die Welt...aus Geben...Du dar...Was Ist denn Los...aus!"
"Sie Kommt." "Welken Sie Bäde."
"Alles Ist Zehn auf zu Wissel Zehn."
"So Ist Denn Fahlen...Was Ist Los?"
"So Friede Seinen!" "Helga...Was Ist Los?"


Wednesday, July 20, 2016

On Size and Weighting the Issue

on size and weighting the issue:

the key issue in the future is whether anything continues or not so that what is not apparent might not happen at all. this is to say that that that is not well remembered may not even exist metaphysically and so that there is no need to dwell on it. what is past may recur only slightly in the future as a shaded repeat like an alternative timeline.

who is she? what will she do next? what is real and what is apparent is that she continues to say the least.

the size of the problem illustrated by the past for decades yet is what concerns mental convolutions. that is to say that i can yet still remember, whether fortuitously or not. lack of sufficient memory blocks further thought sometimes and only fragments of voices or mood of the past may remain.

weight that large then and the alternative nothing. am i prepared still?

clearly the size of mental capacity is what concern. what of my physical dexterity and emotional tolerance? who i am is clear to me. very much is the case that i do not dwell on the future but mayhap my present is certainly not wondrous to think of.


Saturday, July 16, 2016

The Rank of the Norm

the rank of the norm:

the machine, the electricity that flows, the switch, the button, and what you see? take for example, the miniature plastic rubber doll, with heavy duty batteries, see it move, see it dance, hear it sing, a trophy doll in the presentation package.

persistent stress, persistent strain, peristrait in bed. what next? once i get out of bed, i need to level up!

emotionally speaking there is fear, anger, hate, love, want, happy, sorrow. not in any particular order. normal, what is it? the capacity to cope in the situation. however we are also guided by other forces, other emotions, other electric parts of ourselves. what of longing, what of hope, what of funny, indeed what new terms can there be?

electric, then perhaps lecre and ectra could explain motivation in life, if you know what i mean!

suggesting that emotions might be more important that reasoning, that some will not be held back by any logical argument preventing them from proceeding with their planning for life.


Friday, June 17, 2016

Alternative Timeline and Theoretical Time Travel

alternative timeline and theoretical time travel:

just like the past. fill in the gap. now onward. i sense something. don't get mixed up. streaming it. pulling it. don't slip. we are just sampling the past. the present. the future. fill in the pattern.


The Corona Stakes

the corona stakes:

on this day...this great occasion...


at the post...


Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The Paradigm of 3

the paradigm of 3:

1 and 2 and 3
then 3 went on to 6

and 9
and 10

now 5 is preceded by 4 is it not
and 7 followed by 8

and 11 by 12

round to 8 again
5 sides
besides 9
how to get to 10?

well 10 divided by 5 is 2 is it not?
add 8 to get to 10 which is
besides 9 or rather
beside 9 which is
beside 8

iff or if and only if you start at the end
which is 10

and it starts with 1 or zero


Saturday, May 21, 2016



which happened afterwards, all those things that we did, left behind in the past, to the town fair we went, i spoke, praising such, and show to you, behold this large event.


Saturday, May 7, 2016

Theory Has Constraints

theory has constraints:

post partum in excelsis, motive interest can be explained by short term demand which naturally expires, in short success or solution might be adequately provable by equation or formula over time.

in the event that nothing can explain duration, only that the past prevails and becomes more significant over time, not that time explains everything but which that happened.

to sense what is not observable exactly is a criteria of existence and what is it all about anyway?

Se + Li + So + Re < WHOLE


Constraint in Hyperbolic Potential

constraint in hyperbolic potential:

other theoretical motions indicate possibilities that can only be discounted by applying constraints, for in total consideration, not everything is observed to be in contact.
time in motor situation seems different from static and is not often memorable.
when situational change is not observed theoretically space is not stable and the line of travel indistinct.


Thursday, May 5, 2016

Amylase Peptides Na Cl Salts

amylase peptides Na Cl Salts:

enzyme path reaction reduces complexes after relieving emitting pulse radiation and focus on NaCl in particular. route of particles from A to B through a close network of atomic structure of Na and Cl reduces chemicals. enzymes such as amylase and other peptides react with salts to produce such a chain reaction. now further study of reactions involves ketones, amino acids, platinum and ferric oxides, pentoxides, and aluminium, and sulphates, and a conceptually new chemical element varium and its trioxides and pentoxides. oxidation releases oxygen and reduction into equilibrium.


Friday, April 29, 2016

What is a Person

what is a person:

where personal gets close is where person begins.

what reason to be personal? and what is a person? how to behave? have a go, fuck it, do something. now the past prevails surely? if ever if became a concern, you must study past behaviour, surely it explains somewhat the present situation? get up and go, and start! what put this idea in my head, put a person on top? errors in the past restrict the future, indeed limit the present, why did someone not do?

have you seen the part where you noticed something and then it became personal?


Sunday, April 24, 2016

Selling to Latent Demand

selling to latent demand:

LD > 0 ; LD = W + T

what latent demand is about in general is clear. what is wanted to been seen and heard, already thought about, to be experienced in real life. the tourism business flourishes, people travel around the world.

the business makes decisions. they know it will sell once available. promotion helps.

imagine it this way, you will see that, and this is the start of the process...

D < LD

when demand is smaller than supply, business becomes poor. whether this is because people take advantage of knowledge of latent demand and are quick to supply is another question. when supply for latent demand is realized, it is rarely at a price that is just right to clear the market immediately.


Saturday, April 16, 2016

Name and Number: Julie

name and number Julie:

examine theoretically, an instance where 4 girls, name Julie, meet for a day out in London and eventually go their separate ways after lunch. they are at the same school and this is their day off.

what happens after lunch they visit a museum and shortly afterwards, one leaves to go back to school, and then two leave together, leaving the last one not knowing what to do exactly.

at school they sit in the same class, one in the front, one in the middle, and two together at the back.

why could this happen like this? suggest first that the two who pair off sit at the back together anyway and the situation becomes clearer.

whether the Julie who leaves first is the one at the front or the back is the question?

posit the Julie in the middle is probably neither very social nor very studious, the Julie at the front the most serious about class and therefore serious about the day out in London.


Friday, April 8, 2016

Schizophrenia: Loss of Affect

schizophrenia loss of affect:

what is schizophrenia? how did it become 99th percentile measure? strange thoughts, hearing wild, what? your world unstable, you have, in a sense, disconnected, so well, what's the building like now, where am i?

how self aware are you? how do you, as a person, affect other people? some may never say to your face, they even know what you're thinking and what you're going to do, yet they not let slip...

and what were you like before? actually, you've lost something of yourself, perhaps you are inactive now, loss of affect about you.

qualms about the world, and, not coming up with any answers, after such happened and, it all goes quiet, what disturbs the mind means loss of affect?


Sunday, April 3, 2016

De Joue Vous en Prix

de joue vous en prix:

en quoi de vouloir, c'est quoi de choisir, surtout vous en prix, un jeu d'amour, ce qu'elles voient, mais en prix, de langue, et l'enfant, ce qu'il demande, quoi de chose?

de penser, et de comment, parce qu'un départ pour, par exemple, de marquis de Capet du Dionne, c'est un choix de vie, il y a beaucoup de choses, pour l'homme, pour la femme, pour choisir, peu de baisse, un peu de forte. qui est-ce et ce que quoi?

merveilleux et magnifique, la pointe, c'est de la gloire, remercier, toute de rapidement.

ce qu'on voit, c'est parce qu'ils aiment de quoi, pour le choix, pour la femme, de joue vous en prix.


Thursday, March 24, 2016

And That Done the Frame

and that done the frame:

how to frame the argument? we find truths that we are certain of and we put them together and make conclusions and then act upon them. is it not a leap of faith to go on anything thought about? would only disaster strike prove the theory wrong?

we try to cover all aspects of the subject, search for clues from experience, and then we move to extrapolate perhaps and theorize and categorize data and information.

at times we are hard pushed to further the frame when a ton of distraction lies in our way and often it is hard to bang on down the line and not digress from the topic. it is rather hard to concentrate, to fully attack the problem and win.

lay out the grid, try further categories, what other examples are there? expand on it. do give it a go!


Saturday, March 19, 2016

The Key to Unlocking the Mess

the key to unlocking the mess:

you're in a mess, what can you do about it? not much you think, but still, what could the cloud of culture particles tell me? here i sit, soaked in the atmosphere of town life, the computer and the internet environment, but the world is unstable, much has passed and gone, and i'm stuck in the past about many things.

where does it come from? what does it mean? i can imagine much, but truth be told, i don't know. without force, i think of many things, but it goes around in a loop.

what is it all about? something pop culture, something life experience? anyway, just sitting here, www on, me thinking away... how does this make sense? need the keys to unlocking this, what idea, what concept could, if it occurred to me, would explain what the atmosphere, the cloud, here, all around me, is about?

is it travel? a car, a train, a boat, a ship? what? thought lies in the difficulty, usually. does it explain any parts i hadn't thought of already?

generally, turning on the PC, hooking up to the internet, and so on, inevitably you think about the social network, the business network, even programming, switches in electronics, current terminology, trendy themes in the media, buzzwords as they are called, now it's global or not, globalization, standards met, so on...

working on the blog, being regular and all, need ideas, fresh out of ideas, what do you do? go out, stew indoors, what exactly?


Schizophrenia Type I: An Intro to Life

schizophrenia type i an intro to life:

walking in the mist, pebbles and stones beneath feet, turning, around the bend
a figure crouched by a tree, a meeting, an instance, a precedent
now i see more, much more, the sun is rising, the colours bloom, irradiating my world
in the dusk, when i close my eyes, i still see yet
schizophrenia has begun
a rainbow swirl of colour in my world


Saturday, March 12, 2016

Affect and Change

affect and change:

least bits of matter, adjoined to their neighbours, porosity of space a concept, that is, gaps in between where nothing exists, when each least bit of matter changes state, it affects its neighbours.

what is space but a heap of what looks like prickly gems connected to each other? when it changes, like it's saying become like me, or the same, speculatively, if a group of neighbours become similar, at the border, affect is less from the central least bit of matter, and what is beyond is affected by some other least bit of matter or is in itself experiencing sharp change.

the illusion of free movement, physical motion, shift, swivel, pull towards, push forwards.


Monday, March 7, 2016

Establishing Protocols

establishing protocols:

entry server, combine, swell the cloud, target server, release, recombine, rebuild.

step by step, in stages, that's how it works, how the computers move before processing anything. really, how do computers interface with other computers, or printers, just for that matter? that was the question, and yet still is, although later it was certainly about the server and the internet, support for the server, addresses and IP.

could a computer replicate from the server? how does it interpret the signal?

technically speaking, is wireless radiation through space method of transmission? can it be embargoed or blockaded? what about the permeability of space, that the signal copied down the line, up to the server, is the same thing at the receiving end? is it a wide receiver, like a giant all band radio receiver? response time loading a page from the world wide web or www, for short, on the internet is critical in judging many things, not only the permeability of space, whether a signal can flow, how fast also, but also the distance of the server.

by random
0086 KKBF

what would make life confusing? probably not the virtual reality helmet and all round treadmill to give the illusion of physical motion, but the 3D graphics generator for the ultimate PC, don't you think? could a computer do all that with the light? could it really talk? is the computer same as a human? here's a thought experiment, the basic player venue simulated on your PC, only to be delighted by the processing of speech bubbles! how my PC played me!

your move
your computer move


Saturday, February 27, 2016

Kere An Hour Away

Kere an hour away:

so, let's imagine you've just bought your ship for 4,000 credits, your basic starter starship at the dealer, and you've settled into the seat, you're the driver! check all the controls that adjust the view, the steer, for roll, up down for takeoff and landing, left right for turn, and throttles, check, navigation console, check. dunno how it happened, really, but with the starship they had to expand the rules of physics!

the motor car or automobile changed Earth! about moving parts, friction, heat, gauge, worn and torn parts. closed box system, how real are moving parts in the darkness?

now Kere, what system is this? why not Afik? or Edim? it seems brave, doesn't it, to jump to another system, based on a readout from a navigation console?

to think carefully on how hyperdrive works, perhaps the windows or observation panels contain image layers of arrival points to effect arrival from hyperspace, with the radio channel tuned in to destination.

well, is it dangerous? the voyage to somewhere else always carries inherent risk, even crossing the road is dangerous, why would you want to do it? as someone who went all the way buying a ship, that is a bit obvious. but can you really fly? how many times before you passed your atmosphere driving test? the advanced planetfall course?

Kere, lush forest, sandy beaches, rolling green hills, huge city. why not?


Saturday, February 20, 2016

It's a Type

it's a type:

and you pass through a place in London like Oxford Street, you have the buses, the taxis, tourists, a crowd of people that remind you that you are not alone. in the bus from Victoria Station, it is nice, Hyde Park Corner, Park Lane, then onto Oxford Street, everyone seems lively, a lot to say. if everyone is in a world of their own, perhaps here is where they meet.

where does the Earth population, growing, where's it come from? now Earth is one world, if you like, there was an alternate life before.

what does it seem? posh, worldly, experienced. and education is so expensive nowadays. people have a presence, what is that about, light, sound, accent, what?

i think everyone has heard of the Great Exhibition of 1851 and so London has continued, the streets a parade of people, everyone wondering what the latest thing is.


Wednesday, February 17, 2016

True Aspects of Solipsistic Notions

true aspects of solipsistic notions:

so it's true, it ain't no one man reality, my human ego is not that big. there are others, how many lifeforms could there be?

they say two is company, three's a crowd, one man two women or one woman and two men, but it ain't that kind of reality either so what can one say?

that sometimes nobody could help you, you're on your own, just seems true. that you could never be someone else with their individual senses is also true. like who saw what and when?

what's the polar opposite of solipsism? is it dependency without sense of self?


Monday, February 15, 2016

From 1986 to About Now

from 1986 to about now:

in '86, it was a fine time to be in London. it all seemed to be happening in most parts, in the East End, at Middlesex Street Market near Aldgate, the City of London, in the West End, though, it was much more quieter than now, the streets weren't heaving with bodies like Oxford Street now on a busy day.

I read The Guardian, The Times, the opticians were professional. later on, I spotted The Tatler in a newsagent in Charing Cross Road in Chinatown, a kind of highly detailed guide of what makes snob in England, interesting at first, fresh and new, but I couldn't keep up with my subscription much later on.

to me, London prices were cheap, I was so impressed by that, that prices have gone up times three or thereabouts in my time influences me.

Bromley, one of the other two, the other being Croydon, in the East and the South, is much changed. they place a large shopping mall in town, The Glades, it makes a lot of difference.


Thursday, February 11, 2016

Instead of All That

instead of all that:

"what i wanted to say to you, was, i thought you had something, not what i expected, but it worked out in the end."

"thank you for saying that."

"you were prepared. i thought you didn't have it in you at first, what you managed to do, was fantastic. i'm sorry if i offended you."

"it's all right."

"you're a nitpicker, you've got an eye for detail, obviously."

"do you need any more help?"

"i'll be all right. thanks."


Wednesday, February 10, 2016

I'm Right by You

i'm right by you:

in space, proximity or distance matters, always. the chain, the network, the group.

i'm right by you, i'm with you, and sometimes nothing else matters. the groups out there, they are so busy sometimes, and so are we too as well, sometimes.

well, i heard it man, and it seems true. in the meantime, guess what, i got a lot of things going on here, and good luck to you too!

we just started here, got a thing going on. thank you!


Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Play Or Not

play or not:

"well, there's the question, have i had enough of this? and you know, maybe there's a limit to everything, really how far did you want to go with this, anyway."

"go on, i mean, i have an idea how serious i am..."

"the question is, am i playing or not. let's get off this. i'm gonna introduce a new word, quodity, what is that about? really, you have to ask yourself, what does it want out of me? you know, when the girl or guy starts asking personal questions, you know they're interested. you're a commodity, i don't know about what."

"meaning what? is it like, this is just a game or when i walk out the door, i'm gonna find out how serious it is?"

"that's exactly it, there's an audience there, you know it. so you're thinking, what just happened? and i mean, really, if you're willing to go all the way, you want the universal ideal, it could happen pretty fast."


"i'll come back to it again. explain yourself to yourself first."


Sunday, February 7, 2016

The No Motion Argument of No Connection to Separate Realities

the no motion argument of no connection to separate realities:

let the null hypothesis be that separate realities hook up every night or day for some time and then leave eventually only to return again and again making a nonsense of universal time and space.

is this falsifiable? really?

note that this is reality where physical motion is not real. anyone who likes thinking about this might conclude that where physical motion is not even real such collisions and contact made are impossible.


Wednesday, January 27, 2016

On Packing in Space

on packing in space:

on drawing speculative diagrams of what space might look like, considering the possible arrangement of least bits of matter, there are clearly two broad types of chains, single width and multiple width, judging on number of points of contact.

on macro scale, that is scaling up, personal space bubbles can so be considered as well. and why do we know so little about other people? because each personal bubble space is a zone of space where there is self involvement to a great degree, least bits of matter in the zone affect each other rather more than interact with external space. the field of think is closely connected to the senses and you can only know what you think. what happens further away you sense less, it is about proximity, just as eyesight declines at a distance. containment is the concept, obviously it is not total or we would never know anything about other people.

single width chains are perhaps rare, a blockade of transitional change or flow may occur easily. where there are multiple chains or rather where least bits of matter are tightly packed communication is freer as there are several routes of flow.

it seems that there must be vacuums in space, where matter does not exist. least bits of matter do not make complete contact with their neighbours. it is an interesting question whether chains could form a ring of least bits of matter with a vacuum in the middle, perhaps not.

as for personal space bubbles, a large one may contain personal space bubbles within itself. how alone do you feel? it is not easy for someone surrounded by other people in real space to experience solipsism you would think.