Saturday, November 29, 2014

About Person Talk

about person talk:

now talking about actions, that you do or the other person does or that you do together, is rather self-explanatory, and is, if you like, the bread and butter of a lot of conversation. in a way, it expresses the reality of time itself, an unending series of actions. but, if you will, time never "grows", past configurations of states of matter may be lost, and quite truthfully, a lot of this action is not easily remembered. do you remember exactly what you were doing, in whatever form you were, 200 years ago? probably not.

where it becomes more personal perhaps is when you express your feelings or thoughts about what you are doing, and so it becomes more revealing. learning about the other person you are talking to and revealing things about yourself, your own person, is probably the primary purpose of talking. think about it this way, from first principles, i am me, of course, but you, at the start, are an unknown quantity. we trade information about each other, our likes, our wants, our values, our outlook on life. and perhaps, if close enough in real space, even our emotions. i digress, there is a scene in the film, Closer (2004), where the female character exclaims in reply to a male character proclaiming his love for her, "where is this love ... i can't feel it". well, this could be interpreted literally, like they are actually so far apart in real space that they cannot feel each other's emotions, and that's what i first thought. can people really separated by a huge distance in real space have a real relationship? and don't other people, quite literally, "get in the way", given that there may be dozens of personal bubbles in space between them linking the two together? to return to the point, "getting to know someone" is how it starts and really is a never-ending thing. people change from day to day, though you may consider the bulk of personality to be fixed.

of course, on earth, there are, if you like, "facts" about people, though in themselves they are not truly revealing about the real person, things like their name, their job, where they live and so on. assume there are millions of people on earth with the same name, millions of people living in the same city, etc.

to truly reveal yourself is to talk about your emotions, of the eight, want, happy, love, shock, fear, anger, hate and sorrow, perhaps we mostly talk about the first two, what we like doing, what makes us happy. the fear is, of course, and no one really talks about this, is that if it goes wrong, you can make someone feel your hate of them across real space. i guess this is the real reason why people are shy, are nervous about meeting other people, there is a palpable fear of emotional incompatibility. who wants to feel something like 500 million volts of another person's hate flowing into their body? on the other hand, you may truly feel another's love for you inside.

and also, rather a lot of talk about person is about what they think, their opinions, which ultimately express their values, what they think is good, or not. as our thoughts are variable, so even our opinions may change.

there is a theory that if two people end up meeting in the same place on earth, they must have quite a lot in common to start with. obviously, they were both for earth, at the same place on earth at the same time, there must be something to talk about, even though, in actuality, they may be something like light years apart in real space. also, for those who hear voices, if they are not hearing their own thoughts, they are hearing those close in real space probably. assuming real closeness in space means similarity of personality, again there is a lot to talk about.


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