Saturday, April 27, 2013

Beyond the Control of Thought and Intention

beyond the control of thought and intention:

the insecurity and sense of danger we have always felt can be explained thus, simply that some things are out of our control. often we may delude ourselves with a false confidence, that we are powerful beings, our minds can force the situation to our own design, but is this ever real enough to be believed, given though we accept that 100% total power never quite seems true anyway? we may not view ourselves as having the power of gods, but do we presume to exert power enough to get what we want, more or less, and in a safe manner?

at the start of time, what we have is fate. there was no rationalizing, no planning, the state of our emotions and thoughts as they were at time zero may not even have made any sense, as such. we were disorganized beings. organization could only happen after some time had passed. after much history, we figured out what was fine, what was bad, and created value judgments, and preferences formed. creation happened. anyone would ask, after examining some modern construct or invention, how much went into this, how much time spent designing and planning and refining, and would conclude it to be a marvel of rational thought and intention.

however, it would strike any observer that many things that exist, that may always have existed, may not be a product of any thought and intention. they are parts of Creation that were not created, so to speak. there are forces at work that are simply beyond or constantly evolving too fast to fall under the power of our minds. imagine the situation at the start of time, assuming there was a start of time and that something mental that would become our present minds existed at that point, of course. to our modern selves, it would appear a random, irrational, chaotic jumble mix of things. rationality and logic came later to construct the world. it is highly probable that many things are pretty much unchanged and still with us. other things have been tidied up, so to speak, rationalized.

whatever sound is and whatever light is, existed back then, of course, and it is not much of a leap to assume that the basic sounds and even shapes of letters of language did too. what we did was to apply some matching and reasoning of ideas to fit what was available as sound and text. how long does it take to create a language? one year at least?

the biggest common fear is that of death or fatal damage. this hasn't gone away since the first day but in our lighter moments we may avoid consciously thinking about this. the very reality that things are out of our control and that danger seems real, that things happen unexpectedly all the time, is the unspoken threat in our lives. things can change abruptly and some things stop suddenly. perhaps invisible to us, things we cannot yet comprehend are going on all the time in the background. we certainly haven't rationalized everything because we do not yet know everything.


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