Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Mystic Legacy of the Ancients

the mystic legacy of the ancients:

several things from the ancient past are not lost. their view of life, as it was, may have been simple but surely they could imagine today, at least in part, though perhaps they could not quite place the details of the present. people dreamed of cities with their tall buildings and quick means of transport to distant places long ago, before they existed. with little to do, what else could they do but imagine the far future? they constructed language and forms which reside with us now. sometimes it is hard to distinguish what is truly modern and what is ancient in culture.

it is a primal urge to imagine the possibilities of the future. even today, people imagine starships and travel to other worlds. as of yet, they do not exist. hyperdrive and fuel have not been invented.

sometimes, echoes of the past arrive, to inform us of ancient objectives and agenda. it is human instinct to search for knowledge and this was emphasized in the ancient past.


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