Monday, February 8, 2010

Core Statistics in Modern Life

core statistics in modern life:

core statistics in modern life include ratios such as supermarkets per community, restaurants, railway stations, clothes shops, televisions, computers....

indeed, key parts of the economy are food, transport, clothes, housing and communications. for example, what percentage of households in a community have one or more cars? how many telephones? how many pairs of shoes does the lady have?

not all communities are the same....
a residential area in the centre of a city is not the same as the leafy suburb in the outskirts of the city. how good is the communications network? how many outsiders pass through?

food is basic. there might be only one supermarket on or near the high street or main street. only one or two restaurants, a couple of fast food outlets.
transport is far more complex to analyze. is it the car, the bicycle, the tram or the bus or train? or even the plane or starship or boat or ship? fuel is a consideration.
housing is the industry which shows most the inequalities in society. the lord or lady of the manor versus the council house tenant or those living in the projects.

who has access to the web? how fast and reliable is the connection?

if we assume people live as couples....
for example, the two person household:
1 apartment:2 people
1 fixed line telephone:2 people
however what if they each have their own computer and line connection?
2 computers:2 people

core statistics are ever changing and explain much in society.


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