Sunday, May 19, 2013

Many Worlds and Many People

many worlds and many people:

to assume that there is only one world where people all live is perhaps not firmly held by most, but to those on Earth this may be somewhat tacit, a view defended by the argument that it is not falsifiable as it seems no one has come forward as someone from another world and that Earth is such a busy, large world that even if other worlds did exist, they are insignificant in comparison.

mixed in with this, perhaps, is something of the belief in the 3D mechanical motion model being actual and not merely virtual, that is, the thought that people move in space relative to each other, etc. if other worlds were not part of this 3D mechanical motion universe, how could they be real is somewhat of an implied question.

however, if the 3D mechanical motion model is false and merely theoretical, albeit a convincing one, and people are fixed in their locations in space for all time, it raises the question, what is a world? how can many people be in the same world? now, a world is the geography that a person finds himself or herself in, is the simplest answer. for many people to be in the same world, a connection between them is required, so that there could be a shared geography.

now the question that remains, is everyone so connected to everyone else that we are all in the same world? it seems highly improbable, and perhaps never happens. however note that the common usage of phrases like "in a world of her own", "in your world", "in my world", etc., does seem to imply that this is all perfectly understood, in some sense, privately anyway.