Monday, September 19, 2011

The Search for Fine Meanings of Words

the search for fine meanings of words:

many words have bad meanings. they have their basis in paranoia, despair and other negative emotions and were born of bad situations or imagination for horror. the very word bad itself suggests something not wanted or not desirable, something no one would like.

in the subconscious mind, horrible imaginary scenarios turn and twist, and certain words are associated with them, things most feared by all.

it is merely suggested that all words could have a fine meaning, and words currently with a bad meaning, to divorce them from their horrible associations, and to give them a neutral meaning at worst.

things commonly feared, such as death, damage, illness, the state of being unloved or unwanted, are what drove an early paranoia. people's obsessions with quality, and the judgmental nature, also define words with bad meanings.

it is a goal to think at length of various meanings a word can fully take and propose several positive or neutral associations it could have.


Saturday, September 17, 2011

Invention and Worth in History

invention and worth in history:

it is agreed that the event of an invention of great worth, which would aid the world and all the people in it forever after, is one of the most worthy of historical record. gossip and related news of people of the time may spark idle curiosity, social animals that we are, but surely are of lesser importance, is it not? for people and their relationships and struggles in life may possess a timelessness, an eternal difficulty, that only confuse the true record of progress.

there was once an ancient world without developed language, without knowledge of health and lifestyle and accepted manners of behaviour. imagine the dawn of time, a bleak world populated by unwitting people, the initial struggle was immense. once language had developed, and people could communicate, the first progress was made and relationships could develop. from then on, the ongoing question was and still is, how does everything work?

each point in progress, major and minor, deserves studying. what was the original idea in someone's mind? how did he or she develop it and what were the conditions at the time? an invention, whether it be cultural or material, a machine or otherwise, if taken up by most, is a process involving real change.

in the ancient woods of early days, the first concepts of self and other, and shared activity, dominated the invention of language. the world to be observed closely followed.

perhaps one day, all will be known, and everything provided for, and perhaps only then, will be the true end of history as a story of progress.


The Best Shuffler

the best shuffler:

he knew it was unreasonable to expect to win, after all, the odds were not in his favour. but he enjoyed playing was the thing, the whole ritual of the game, the shuffling of the six decks of cards at the beginning, the cut, and the deal, and the clearing away after each hand.

it was sometime in the afternoon. the room wasn't busy yet. come night time it would be heaving with bodies. there were the regulars there, those he saw every time he came it seemed, most of them elderly and quite rich he guessed.

he was alone at her table watching her shuffle expertly. "you're the best shuffler in here," he said. and it was true. he believed it. but she only smiled then but later, after he had won heavily, finally replied, "i really am the best shuffler!"

there was something about her. perhaps she reminded him of someone else he had once known, a quality reflected here in her.

time makes people in the past seem too distant. only sometimes when people seem familiar or act in the same way are we reminded of them.


The Motion Illusion

the motion illusion:

as we know in our dreams, changes in place can be abrupt, for suddenly we are somewhere else as if we had teleported there. and so instead of the whole construct that we are moving around on top of a planet Earth in a 3D universe, we should consider the opposite view, that we remain fixed in position, we do not move relative to our surroundings, but the scenery we are so beguiled by moves relative to us. logically there are only two theoretical possibilities.

that people are in motion relative to the surroundings, however, is the theoretical model we have held since day one, that the surroundings are stable and two points are always the same distance from each other and that travel one point to another occurs in an unbroken line.

imagine a model of a series of 2 rooms in which this 3D logic breaks down. there are only 2 rooms with 3 doorways, one at the end of room A, one between rooms A and B, and one at the end of room B. the traveller walks from the end of room A through the doorway between rooms A and B to room B, all according to 3D logic. however when he or she passes through the doorway at the end of room B, he or she finds himself or herself back at the end of room A. now imagine a whole complex of rooms with different rules for which room leads to which room and back again. what if the rules then become unstable and you are never sure which room leads to which room?

in a situation where such 3D logic breaks down, it leaves only the theoretical case that motion in the conventional sense is but an illusion, that we never move at all.


The Culture Particle

the culture particle:

imagine as one the collective unconscious mind, the subconscious that extends everywhere throughout space. it is a collection of thoughts and data. everything that has been consciously thought of disperses as particles into this collective unconscious. around all living things is a charged field of culture, streams of particles containing ideas and concepts and images and sound packets.

culture particles flow around us all, meeting and mixing with other culture particles. as particles accrete, these form complexes, as they are matched with others. in a way, this may be a random process or not as patterns form which follow existing complexes.

often when we speak and interact with others, we draw from this field, little consciously thinking about what we say or do sometimes. we feed from it, so to speak, as it is a rich source of ideas ready made.

for all thoughts affect the field, be mindful of what you think!


Sunday, September 11, 2011

A Hint of Power

a hint of power:

it is questioned, is fate real? the deciding factor is power, of course. without any power over our lives, a mindless fate must seem real. this is a frightening concept, like a person thrashing wildly, spun and carried by the waves of fate to a destination unknown. few of us have the powers of a god, but some power, even a hint, is most useful!

with power, is there the wisdom and intelligence to exercise it properly? you could argue, yes, fate was not real in his or her case, because he or she clearly made the right decisions in life and it all turned out pretty well! what is most feared is ignorance.

now there may be an assumption that the world is more stable than perhaps it really is. things can change in an instant or more slowly, but change is inevitable. what is the case today may not even exist in two years time.

observing how things develop and change is both fascinating and essential in life.