Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Dream Construct

the dream construct:

often in dreams there is a strong theme. you are somewhere and such and such is happening and your thoughts are extremely intense. sometimes there are false memories which, only when you have woken up, do you realize are false, but which are completely convincing whilst you are dreaming.

in the alternative world of the dream, there is amnesia involved, of which details of your waking life cannot be remembered, for example, the true date or when something took place. in dreams violent changes in place and thought destroy parts of our memory.

if reality were itself mostly a mental construct, we must consider that the subconscious is far larger than the conscious mind, our waking self.


Sunday, August 7, 2011

Is Time Random?

is time random:

it is commonly thought that each event leads to another and that the course of history can be described as a whole chain of events which have led us to the present day. this must be in some sense true of course but what of the random and unpredictable nature of everyday life? things that come out of nowhere, thoughts or actions that cannot be explained. is this just an inadequate understanding of how it all works?

consider the concept of independent events. is there no such thing as everything is connected and everything influences everything else? it may be the case that there were independent events near the start of time but surely not now?

imagine a display chart of repeating events. to an observer would they recur in a way that seems random?

finally, are people indeed random in nature? are we impulsive or are we driven by logic?


Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Filter of Time

the filter of time:

since the early days, from the dawn of time, man has been in pursuit of knowledge, and this agenda, for it is instinctual, has carried us through the centuries to the present day. what was achieved in progress tends to blur the memory of past mistakes and error, for it is human nature to lock on to the truth and hold it forever, while dismissing as false misconceptions once held up as truth.

conventional units of time give us a macro sense of progression. there are natural cycles at work, such as the day and the year. but what has really happened? if we reject formerly believed ideas and concepts as false, they are avenues where we will no longer travel. is it not then that the past is raked over, so to speak, smoothing out the twisted tangle of self deception and error?

it seems in history that a lot of progress often happens in short bursts, while long periods are stagnant, as though the injection of new ideas encourages even more to occur, we being almost in stasis until a breakthrough happens.

it is something tangible, the need to understand the world, reality, and people, and it was always thus, an original and undiminished part of ourselves.